Vision, Mission and Values
Aleknagik Natives Limited’s board of directors strives to work with one mind to establish and implement the company’s Mission, Vision, and Corporate Values. Their primary focus is on protecting the culture and enhancing opportunities for the shareholders of ANL while guiding the corporation to achieve its goals.
With one mind, we shall move forward to empower, enrich, and shape our traditional way of life.
Yupik translation:
Ataucimek umyuarluta, ciutmurciiqukut pinircauteklu Kencikluku yuuyararput.
Mission Statement
To be a profitable Alaska Native Village Corporation that increases shareholder prosperity and protects its land.
Yupik translation:
Yugtauluni corporation – aaq shareholderaani pitekluki amllerillerkait –ggun tukutekateng cali-llu nunam auluklerkaa
Corporate Values
Create a viable, profitable, self-sufficient, and successful organization.
Board and Management:
Create a smart, secure, capable board and management team.
Focus on meeting the priorities of our shareholders.
Preserve and maintain traditional knowledge while incorporating the past with the future.
Community and Regional:
Establish and sustain productive partnerships with other community and regional organizations to focus on issues of importance to the shareholder.
Shareholder land is protected and remains a critical resource for future generations.